The Last Tourist, a film documentary on the negative impacts of travel offers advice on how travellers can make a positive impact while on vacation.
Pre-pandemic over tourism has negativity impacted the environment, wildlife and vulnerable communities around the world.
Venice Italy is the poster child on the evils of tourism, where hordes of cruise ship passengers descend this small community for a few hours in a day and leave behind destruction of its fragile environment with little financial benefits for locals.
Nevertheless, with a bit of knowledge travellers can make a postive impact.

Travel improves our mental health
British university studies have proven vacations improve your mental health. But if you are on a city tour bus to see a dozen attractions a day and spending all your time snapping selfies, you really are not focused on the moment.
To become a better world traveler in the post pandemic era, follow the practices of the luxury travel industry which offers slow travel immersive experiences that connect you with the locals.
An example of slow travel immersive experiences is a horseback wine tour in the mountains, a tour of Australia’s rain forest with an aboriginal guide or a Paris bicycle tour of Monet’s Gardens.
Connect with locals
Research the country before visiting and reach out to the local tourism board for visitor’s advice. Book directly with the local attractions to ensure all your money is supporting locals as online travel websites charge commissions.
The Last Tourist exposes some of the worst tourist attractions such as elephant rides which are animal cruelty. Where elephants are beaten and poked with hooks to perform for tourist shows. We would never allow this to happen here at home and you should not support it when abroad.
The core message of The Last Tourist is that if you would not do that at home, do not do it when visiting another country.
Be thoughtful and respectful of the countries you visit and in return you will be rewarded with an immersive travel experience of a life time.
The Last Tourist
Available on demand on Apple and all major streaming platforms.